Durr Orotol Plus Suction Unit Disinfectant - 2.5L


$135.00 (inc GST)

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Durr Orotol Plus Suction Unit Disinfectant 2.5L

Orotol plus disinfection of suction systems

Foam-free liquid concentrate for simultaneous cleaning, disinfection, , and care of all suction systems and amalgam separators.

  • Bactericidal, yeasticidal, limited virucidal (enveloped viruses incl. HBV, HCV, HIV the and coronaviruses, as well as non-enveloped adenoviruses and noroviruses)
  • Dissolves biofilm and prevents formation of sludge through blood and proteins
  • The solution for contaminated suction systems - provides reliable protection against infection
  • Certified material compatibility ? recommended by leading equipment manufacturers

Active ingredients: quaternary ammonium compoundsamalgams

Product Code: OROTOL

Category: Infection Control

Sub Category: Evacuation Line Cleaner

Brand: Durr